Questions and Answers

  • 1
    What is the difficulty level of the Olympiad?
    New Year Olympiad consists of a unified set of tasks designed for pupils of secondary and high school levels.
  • 2
    If I haven’t studied a particular subject at school, can I still participate?
    If you don’t know the answer to any of the 6 questions, you can skip it and move on to the next ones. New Year Olympiad is not competitive but rather aims to entertain and familiarise. Therefore, active participation is valued in this Olympiad, not just the results. At the end of the Olympiad, video explanations for each task will be available, aiding you in tackling challenging problems.
  • 3
    Will there be certificates?
    Yes, following the Olympiad, each participant will receive a personalised certificate. It will be accessible in the system after the Olympiad.
  • 4
    What if I enjoy it and want to solve more tasks?
    You can use the Olympiad Simulator to attempt solving individual Olympiads in each of the 6 subjects. Additionally, there will be an open Invitational stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in English later in spring 2024.
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